Hello there, I’m Su, the creative alter-ego behind Dotting Art and craft. I am a self-taught, dot mandala artist, String artist , craft women,colour enthusiast, and a laugh out loud, gentle hearted quiet warrior just trying to navigate my way through this adventure called ‘life’. Thank you for popping in and welcome to my little corner of the ‘inter-world’.

I have always felt swept away by people and places, immersed myself in cultures and travel, embracing the world as a place to explore – and then write about, photograph or capture in some way.  All of my piece are in essence a reflection of a memory that is special to me, just captured in dots and mandala form.

I create my pieces for the pure joy of trying to achieve texture in colour and for visual effect.

Just being around mandala artwork has a very calming effect and I hope you purchase something that provides you with peace, joy, and puts a smile on your face or the one you are buying for  :)